

This forth coming book is for those of you who have been searching in your own ways to find meaning in the world around you that is outside of the general norms you have been taught. We are a generation experiencing great change, and I help give you ideas, provoke thoughts, and challenge our current thinking on society whilst offering different perspectives for how we could see the world today. I will not deny that I want to start a revolution but without you nothing can take hold; you feel that a shift is coming; you feel that it is necessary but we need direction. We need to choose the route forward. We know that politicians only provide us with limited solutions; we know that businesses offer what suits them, so how about we decide the direction together. 

Leading with awareness, leading with empathy and compassion, leading with intelligence and an understanding of the interconnectivity of all things, you know that you want to change the world. You feel that in a way you have been brought here to do so, I am saying that now is the time. You can ask me how do I know or what makes me the one to decide, I know because this is my role. My role is to lead all of you in a new direction through words and thoughts but you are the real power. I am nothing without you. I know that you are also searching for people like you, the breath of fresh air you feel when you meet people with whom you can talk openly and freely with. It is you who I want to bring together. I want to get you all in groups around the world, meeting each other, discussing how things should be done. I want to start the conversation, and then I want us to get involved with the action. 

Let’s get stuck in to community projects; drive change in the political system, lets invest in new technologies away from oil companies, lets grow concepts of how we want to live society. This is not an easy task nor is it a short one, it is a long ongoing process that we will build the foundations for. Life is a journey, it is an ongoing set of eventualities and possibilities with the only constant being change. I know you understand me and I know you see it too because I keep hearing it again and again. I want to provide the forum for you, I want to provide the hub, the meeting place that kicks this into action. I want you all to feel that you can do just as you feel you need to to help and develop our society together.

I am not proposing that this is a new version of utopia, it is not. It is an external representation of what is happening inside us. It is to reflect the change and progression of this part of our human evolutionary process. It will not be the first nor will it be the last, but this is the change that needs to happen now at this point of our development, as we move into the next era of humanity and understanding. Please help me make the change that you want to make. There will be those who pick up and put this book down again, that is no problem for me. I want to meet and get to know those of you that this resonates with. I want to create a wave, quiet, strong, sure and consistent that flows across international society. You are the agents of change, you can make the changes you want to make. At the moment we are not many but few, but those few of us are intelligent enough to make the right changes, at the right time, with the right people. 

This is an evolution and we can start now.