It is plausible to further identify general categories of growth such as from 18 to 22 where intellectual and personality have deepened formation or 22 upto 30 where we establish as young adults; from 30 to 45 as a more formal responsible Adult, and 45 being the benchmark for ‘middle age’. Other ‘periods’ in life are also changing in the way we identify with them for example the period between 50 and 65 is no longer ‘old age’ it is the age of the grey panthers, the Saga years, for those nearing retirement with grown children, still looking ahead to their twilight years whilst enjoying the offerings of the latter stages in life. However we recognise and identify the characteristics of the different stages of human development, how much attention do we really give to the emotional growing pains experienced at the passing of one stage into another?
We know that the changes we go through and the perception we have of life affects us significantly and can last a lifetime, especially strong emotions or feeling ‘hard done by’ or wronged, or perhaps a feeling of arrival, or greater certainty. Yet most commonly these times of change seem to signify uncertainty leading to sense of insecurity in one or more aspects of life. Fear appears to still play such a great part, rather than an enjoyment of passing through the stages in life; each stage carries its own fears, whether the increase in responsibility (decision making) for ourselves, responsibility for others, loss of independence and freedom due to the demands upon us or to physical restrictions, also fears of growing up or getting older ~ ultimately a fear of change whether physical, circumstantial or perception.
Why am I saying all this? Because I believe emotional growing pains are not something to be afraid of, or to ignore, or to exacerbate with insecurity. They are normal, natural, to be acknowledged and accepted for what they are... periods of and for change. They are a chance to develop into an evolved version of yourself, not be feared but instead to be celebrated. There is on the whole quite an unhealthy attitude towards change and addressing our innermost feelings. There seems often a pain and an uncomfortability, a feeling that something is wrong with us, that we shouldn’t be having these feelings towards our family, or friends, or towards our lives...
I think we should. I think it is really important to address and reassess our relationships to people and to the aspects within our lives. How else can we make improvements or things that little bit easier, or more comfortable or smoother? How else are we going to know what needs adjusting, more or less attention? To look at the natural world, we can accept freely and willingly that it changes on a near constant basis that plants continually grow and die, that seasons change, and yet our emotions can bind us so strongly to ideas or concepts of how things Should be that we lose sight of addressing how life Could be. This does not mean a pining towards an unachievable goal...”oh if I had money I would do this”...but a question of “what can I do about this now”? a recognition and acceptance of how you feel including, and especially, the negative emotions. It is a physical offering of reflection from your body to your mind, a way of saying ‘perhaps it is time to have a think about how I really feel about this’; an opportunity for greater understanding of ourselves and how we interact with life around us; a window to learn a lesson from life that can help us overcome the challenges we experience. It is also highly likely that within our environment (the things that we see and experience in the widest sense) there is atleast one positive frame of reference; whether a book, a person, a film, a song, a report or news item that can be used to encourage new or developed ways of thinking that support the adjustments that are beneficial to make.

The essence of what I want to communicate is that from my perception, we owe it to ourselves and to those around us to take emotional growing pains seriously, to seek to recognise and identify their root cause and to seek a positive solution. That emotions are not who we are but an internal guidance system to help adjust and change the experiences we have; and that more often than not our experiences are due to our perception, not our personality. And finally that change whether internal or external is never to be feared, it only needs to be understood.
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