Taking the road of your own journey is never easy, no matter how many books you read, how much you talk to others, it is just hard... but then daily life is hard...and so is following someone else's view of what we should do or who we should be.
Perhaps the only option then, is to chose to deal with our own version of what we think is right and wrong, our own version of what a good education is, to develop our own ideals and goals. So that goals are away from what the media protrays or what we are told we should and shouln't do. Then we choose what tough stuff we have to deal with, and find ways to make that our own advantage.
Perhaps the only option then, is to chose to deal with our own version of what we think is right and wrong, our own version of what a good education is, to develop our own ideals and goals. So that goals are away from what the media protrays or what we are told we should and shouln't do. Then we choose what tough stuff we have to deal with, and find ways to make that our own advantage.
I don't think the goal should be eternal happiness and everlasting joy, but perhaps instead to be simply contented in knowing who we are, how we fit in to the world around us, and how we can make the best of it for all.
In the first instance there is perhaps a task to find out who we are; what we like and what we don't like, and to find the right support to nuture this. In the second instance it could be to find the environment that you want to be in, where you feel drawn to and the most at home. In doing so, it is possible to create a great sense of calmness with emotions, as anxieties disapate, fears dissolve and we bring the right elements into our life. This does not mean that you will find peace in theis process, as you will very likely need to deal with some deep rooted issues that surface, but there can also be a greater sense that whatever happens you will be ok. That if a tragedy befalls you, you will work it out; and if good things happen, that’s fine too. So that you can get to a place where its possible to recognise that either way things change. Life can be great one day and shit the rest but mostly it’s a little bit of both all the time, and that is fine.
In the first instance there is perhaps a task to find out who we are; what we like and what we don't like, and to find the right support to nuture this. In the second instance it could be to find the environment that you want to be in, where you feel drawn to and the most at home. In doing so, it is possible to create a great sense of calmness with emotions, as anxieties disapate, fears dissolve and we bring the right elements into our life. This does not mean that you will find peace in theis process, as you will very likely need to deal with some deep rooted issues that surface, but there can also be a greater sense that whatever happens you will be ok. That if a tragedy befalls you, you will work it out; and if good things happen, that’s fine too. So that you can get to a place where its possible to recognise that either way things change. Life can be great one day and shit the rest but mostly it’s a little bit of both all the time, and that is fine.
The only constant in life is change - this is something that we can take for certain - that things will always change. So rather than be afraid of it or for change to be unexpected, you can always prepared for the next wave that inevitably comes. Nothing ever stays the same. In observing nature it is possible to be more aware of this; the trees can change colour from one day to the next, the stars can change place in the sky within a month, a patch of land can become overgrown in a week. Nothing stays the same.
In thinking about the nature of life, I see more and more each day that life is organic, it moves, changes, grows and dies all within the same space of time. It is neither beautiful nor ugly, it is not good or cruel, it just is. It exists. Difficulties always seem to arise when we try to place a framework on it, to project a way of looking at it and try to change it according to our views. “It’s not right because... (it doesn’t fit my view)”. The beauty of our world and our human existence is that no one person sees the world exactly the same way, not even twins. We all have our own unique view on the world, that we are the only people who can see the world through our eyes. Just as all the trees despite perhaps growing in the same field, being the same species and receiving the same food, will all be different.
It is not our similarity that binds us but our uniqueness, our differences.