After this I headed straight to the Sai Baba Ashram in Puttaparthi or Prasanthi Nilayam, 'The Abode of Supreme Peace' as it is also known. This particular guru is known to me through my family as my grandfather Professor Keith Critchlow was the architect for the Specialist Hospital pictured here.
Going to vist the Ashram where my grandfather had such an impact was really special for me. It brought me closer to both of my grandparents and I feel so thankful for their influences on my life. Needless to say I started to look forward to getting back and sharing christmas with them :)
The ashram was a hustle and bustle of people going to Darshan, praying at the various statues and visiting the shops just outside the gate. It was in a word Frenetic. Lots going on at once, people everywhere and it started to get worse as I arrived during Diwali, and Sai Baba's birthday is not long after. I met some very interesting people while I was there and learnt more about love, duality and the absolute in a week than I ever expected! Next up was a trip to see friends in Bangalore...
Bangalore was Great! It was like reconnecting with normality again. Eating in french cafes, partying in bars, take aways, movies - all the usual! It was a perfect respite before I went headlong into a 10 day silent Vipassana Mediation course which taught me, among other things, that half a bucket of hot water and a chair can become luxuries!! This course was intense and hard but very rewarding. Meditating for 10 hours a day gave me plenty of time to think through past issues, future plans and to learn to be in the moment. I felt a very strong connection with my higher self and got a much clearer view of the things I needed to do. It was a really worth while experience and allowed a lot of previously hidden emotions to be released. After this very long quiet experience, it was back to Bangalore for another relaxing weekend with hot water, chairs and comforts courtesy of the very lovely Johars :)
I had many interesting conversations here, discussing paradigm shifts, new age ideas, religion, psychology, concepts & philosophy even alternative energy sources. This was a place where I felt at home and kept meeting people with news or ideas that related to conversations I'd just been having. The magic of life was in the air. Not to mention the night of shooting stars.
This really was just what I needed to conclude my journey. It was 7 weeks of what has been a 7 year journey of self discovery. It is finishing one stage of my life and beginning another.
This one culminates with my first book: 'Hello! A Life worth Living' and the beginning of my second: 'Design for a future generation of Society'.
To make the move from one stage to another I have developed a blog for my new book:
I do hope you will join me in continuing the journey as I would love to hear your story of discovery!
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